Developed and managed a gamified social picture sharing/location based service that worked with a variety of small boutique to medium sized brands to create user generated content campaigns. Oversaw & managed graphic designers, frontend & backend developers, iOS & Android teams in the creation of ‘Badger’ launched on iOS, Android, and mobile web. Badger was initially featured in the NY Times, Apple stores (also the app store), CNN money, and a variety of online blogs and publications.
Interaction: Breathe or whispering softly into a microphone to Inspire jars of fireflies to come alive.
Firefly Jars is a generative lighting installation based off of the Listening Tree at Bunkhouse Saloon in Las Vegas, NV.
Headphone cables were installed in a tree and connected mason jars filled with copper string led lights. Every jar is individually addressable and can display subtle light fades via pwm. The jars run on a generative algorithm that can be interrupted by breathing, whispering, or singing into a microphone hanging down from a tree.
(2017 DTP Artist in Residence Program) Hardware: Mason jars, decorative chain, modified DM-1817 mic, 2N3904 Transistors, Arduino Mega, copper wire string lights, headphone jacks, headphone cables. Software: C++ (custom firefly library)
In the 1630s of Dutch Tulip Mania a little flower was obsessed over for its beauty and its ability to fetch huge prices at market. The rarest of the rare flowers was the Semper Augustus and it traded at prices that would buy a waterfront mansion in 17thC Amsterdam. Cryptocurrency is often described as Tulip Mania all over again. This generative art series is entitled Viceroy Reborn: A meditation on Value. Cryptocurrency tokens are run through a generative process that output an image with millions of pixels moving as alive organisms. Images that resemble flowers are selected and printed on acrylic and installed in a frame housing a computer and leds. The segmented display gives live updates on the price of the token on the market and the overall price of the piece.
Hardware: Dotstar RGB led strips, segmented led display, raspberry pi, mdf, acrylic.
Software: C++, Openframeworks, Ruby, Solidity
Interaction: Gently shake the totem to animate the tentacles as the Jellyfish ‘breathe’ different colors.
These portable Jellyfish Totems were constructed for the 2015 Life is Beautiful Festival & Airstream Park.
(2015 collab. w/Blackbird) PVC, lycra, paint roller poles, neopixels, arduino, 5v powerbanks.
Interaction: Strike the keys on the typewriter and cue up hot gif memes from the internet. Hit various keys to run crazy video effects.
A 1923 Royal Desktop #10 typewriter was converted to a usb keyboard. The typewriter connects to a computer running a custom Max application allowing it to act as VJ input (video disk jockey) for hilarious gif memes from the internet. Memes are pulled from the popular gif site Giphy. Video banks include Taco & Llama gifs, dancing gifs, and the ever hilarious cat mode. The video is output to a large indoor projection.
This installation was built for Inspire Theater in Downtown Las Vegas.
(2017 DTP Artist in Residence Program) Hardware: usb typewriter conversion kit, strip of Neo-Pixels, Arduino, Mac Mini, Optoma UTS projector. Software: Max 7, Final Cut Pro, Quicktime Pro
Interaction: Smack a storm trooper in the face and trigger a sound and video effect. Video clips are displayed in a dynamic grid from Star Wars episodes 4,5,6 and show every storm trooper death.
Ewok Bongo Drums were inspired by the final celebration scene of episode 6 where ewoks play bongo drums made of storm trooper helmets. This installation was featured as an activation for the “Fremont Awakens” event at Atomic Liquors
(2015) Quicktime Pro, Max Msp Jitter, Arduino, custom switches & springs.
Interaction: put a quarter in the slot and Bearsho will come alive and print you a randomly generated haiku!
This installation is a generative poetry project written in python and uses a saijiki dictionary of seasonal words traditionally used to create haikus. Bear puns are peppered into each poem as it is printed out on a thermal printer.
This installation is featured in The Writer's Block bookstore in Downtown Las Vegas.
(2017 DTP Artist in Residence Program) Software: Written in Python using the pronouncing library written by Allison Parrish. Hardware: Arduino, sd card reader, thermal printer, servo motors, coin acceptor.
Interaction: Stand underneath the light ring and watch your shadow animate in a step sequence. Alternate colors and directions with simple wooden switches.
(2015 collab. Eric Rice) Wood ring with 10meters of neopixels, arduino, custom input board with toggle, potentiometer, and custom floor mat switches.
Interaction: Each step triggers alternate colors of flashing purples, blues, & whites effectively allowing the wearer to tap out the beats of music through dance steps.
This project was built for the 2015 Life is Beautiful Festival in downtown Las Vegas.
(2015) Lilypad Arduino, Neopixels, 5v 5000 mAh pwr supply. 2 FSRs inside of a pair of shoes.
Interaction: Gently slide your hands over the melting ball of ice. It will light up and respond to your touch with sensual and whimsical responses.
This piece was a prototype for embedded electronic sculptures in a truly unforgiving and ephemeral medium: ice! The circuits, leds, & sensors were frozen in a large mold. The micro controller was left outside the mold.
(2008) Arduino, photocells, leds, Ice
Interaction: Turning on and off light switches sends a signal to all other networked switches. Viewing the light grid from different angles creates a dynamic glowing effect of changing colors.
In practical applications the switches could be used in large housing complexes, offices, dorms etc where occupants can keep tabs on each other. Its a simple status indicator saying ‘Hey I’m home’
(2009) Arduino, Xbee, Leds, various plexi layers.
Interaction: A seemingly archaic mechanical device is able to create stepped animations and breathe life onto the slow rotation of parchment ticker paper. Cranking the handle forwards video frames of pigeons flying. Reaching the end of the crank creates a ‘pop’ that resets the scene allowing the pigeons to fly again.
A pigeon clock is a mechanical device used to timestamp pigeon racing results on ticker tape.
This project involved mapping parts of the clocks functionality to digital inputs read by an arduino which then fed into a Max Msp patch running various video manipulations output through a hidden pico projector that used the ticker tape as a screen. Closing the device and locking it turned the screen on.
(2009) Max Msp Jitter, arduino, custom switches.
Full project name:
Of Origins: The Fibonacci Syllabic Generator ver. 2.01123581321
Of Origins is a generative language processing script written in python that munges genesis texts into visually appealing poems. The text is organized into data sets by syllables and each line of the poem pulls a word from the set by running the Fibonacci sequence up and down.
This project points to the structures of language and the idea of ‘language as such’ as a self guiding and generative process.
(2009) Python, various genesis texts (english translation): Western Samoan genesis narratives, King James Bible, Apache Native American text
Developed gamer social matchmaking service Party Up Gamer (PUG) and Promotional Campaign Avatar Hot or Not. User inputs xbox live gamertag and custom api pulls images and relevant data. Presents avatars in a fun hot or not rating system.
PHP, MySQL, Javascript, CSS, Amazon Ec2
Interaction: Stand in front of the mirror and see your image created through brand logos.
Me(emblem) or Me as emblem is a series of processing mirrors that use brand iconography to generate images. Me(emblem) explores the blurred lines of consumer and content and new trends in advertising that have firmly situated the viewer inside of the ad space.
Chase mirror 1 & 2
Logos from 6x6 grid top to right: Target, McDonalds, NBC, Adidas, Chase, Chevron, Dominos, Marlboro, Chevy
(2008) Processing
Interaction: Input text msgs to a rolling marquee. Stomp on various switches to blow the text up, change colors and create wild effects.
This project involved a battery powered ‘guerrilla projection’ setup where a rolling marque can be projected anywhere. The text can effectively be mashed by a wide range of dynamic effects manipulating and live image processing.
(2015) Max Msp Jitter, OpenGL, Arduino, floor mat switches, trolling motor battery, pure sine inverter, dlp projector.
Interaction: Plug in any electrical item with a standard plug and control its output. This sequencer is custom made and used in several performances including a vacuum cleaner symphony, a literal live image processing performance with blenders and mixed media, and an artist is present performance with lightbulbs, small monitors and footage of life casting.
(2010) Arduino, 5v relays, modified power strip, wood, 4 standard outlets.
Interaction: Step in front of a skeleton and get sprayed with red sillystring.
This project was built as a prototype for The 4th floor haunted house (721 Broadway New York, NY). It utilized floor mat switches to trigger lights on a the skeleton and raven. If you get close enough the skeleton will actually shoot silly string out of its mouth!
(2008) Arduino, pvc, fiber optics, servos, floor mat switches, silly string, and halloween props.
Interaction: Text your current bus stop to a short code and receive a text msg back of when the next bus will arrive.
Mobile Transit is a sms and mobile based system used to look up bus routes for NYC.
(2009 Collab Zachary Taylor) Javascript, PHP, MySql
" High above Earth's orbit, in a time not so far far away, before humans ever left the stratosphere, we sent...........Monkeys! "
Paper prototype for a hexagonal board game. This collaborative game pits monkeys against aliens as they try to recover the missing parts of the monkey space ship. Players must work together and balance resources or face being lost in space forever!
This prototype was user tested through a focus group and was considered for development for an iPad app.
(2009 Collab Peter Horvath) Illustrator, paper cutouts, dice.
Interaction: The Electric Zeppelin swoops in and takes your beer order via a talking avatar head controlled by a remote attendant. A beer drops from the payload and hopefully doesn't create a huge mess!
This project was developed for the EDM Biz hackathon as a proof of concept. The drone was actually capable of lifting and delivering beer and carried the full screen and projector without a tether. We decided against testing everything outside since we had multiple crashes that destroyed a few propellors.
(2016) Hardware: DJI phantom 2, flexible pvc screen material, plastic, Asus S1 pico projector, chromecast. Software: FaceRig