Interaction: Breathe or whispering softly into a microphone to Inspire jars of fireflies to come alive.
Firefly Jars is a generative lighting installation based off of the Listening Tree at Bunkhouse Saloon in Las Vegas, NV.
Headphone cables were installed in a tree and connected mason jars filled with copper string led lights. Every jar is individually addressable and can display subtle light fades via pwm. The jars run on a generative algorithm that can be interrupted by breathing, whispering, or singing into a microphone hanging down from a tree.
(2017 DTP Artist in Residence Program) Hardware: Mason jars, decorative chain, modified DM-1817 mic, 2N3904 Transistors, Arduino Mega, copper wire string lights, headphone jacks, headphone cables. Software: C++ (custom firefly library)